Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd

About Us

#EngineTrader#EngineTrader.com is a resource for people who are in any way involved with diesel engines including:

  • Owners and users of diesel engines and diesel gensets
  • Sales/Service/Repair organisations
  • Diesel Engine manufacturers
  • Manufacturers of ancillary components for diesel engines

The main function of the website is a database where you can list diesel engines, diesel gensets and spare parts you have for sale or search for items you want to buy.

Potential buyers are put directly in contact with sellers to save both parties both time and money.

Company   E Diesels Ltd
Postal Address   396 Hillington Road
Glasgow G52 4BL
Scotland UK
Registration No.   SC200254
VAT No.   789 3252 83
EMail   info@dieselenginetrader.com
Fax   +44 (0)141 882 5818
Contact   Norman Rogers
Other facilities available include:

    Diesel Talk -
      A FREE discussion forum for all matters related to diesel engines and spare parts including technical issues, support and much, much more.

    Diesel Links to:
      Sales/Service/Repair organisations
      Manufacturers of ancillary components
      Manufacturers of diesel engines

The website was launched in July 2000 and its popularity is growing rapidly ever since and visitor numbers continue to rise every month. Now with many thousands of listings on the database from many hundreds of sellers across the world, DieselEngineTrader.com is becoming a leading resource for both buyers and sellers of diesel engines and gensets.

E Diesels, who owns www.dieselenginetrader.com, is a independent and privately owned company and is not connected with any diesel engine manufacturer.

Please visit our Frequently asked questions section where you will find more information about our site and answer to most of your questions.

If you have any other questions or comments regarding this website please contact us by EMail at info@dieselenginetrader.com

Thank you for your interest in www.dieselenginetrader.com

We look forward to your comments and hope that you will find DieselEngineTrader a valuable resource for many years to come.

The D Team
The D-Team
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Big Bear Engine Company
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Advertize on Diesel Engine Trader

Customer Testimonials

'Your website is working well for me - This month I have shipped engines to Canada, South America and several in the USA. Thank You.'

Jim Williams, Diesel Power Train Co. Colbert, USA

'We listed a Perkins diesel on DieselEngineTrader.com, had numerous inquiries from US and Europe and sold it within a week. Very pleased with your website.'

Ken Ginter, Arizona, USA

'We bought a new John Deere engine via DieselEngineTrader.com for a great price and were able to sell it locally for $1000 less than our competition. We really appreciate the website - it's great!'

Ben Kauffman, Quaker Machine, PA, USA


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